Holistic upgrade & gatekeepers retreats (Mexico)
6:00 PM18:00

Holistic upgrade & gatekeepers retreats (Mexico)

Something is brewing - The Lotus team and our dear brothers and sisters, wisdom keepers from the Latino lands and beyond are feeling the call to come together in December and January. It will be 7 years since solstice 2012 when some Mayan cosmologies believe we entered a new timeframe. Certainly, so many people are now in deep Awakening...We'll have a series of events, workshops, gatherings, cross-cultural and intergalactic encounters. We'll definitely be offering another Lotus Gatekeepers and Pillars retreat, but it feels that more is coming. Please register your interest in hearing more, collaborating here and we will share news and updates here! ♥ x

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Harmonic Mantra Chanting & Mindful Movement
to Mar 23

Harmonic Mantra Chanting & Mindful Movement

  • The Salisbury Centre (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Kirtan harmonium.jpg

Harmonic Mantra Chanting & Mindful Movement
with Francesco Benvenuti
Weekly on Mondays 2.30-4 pm in the Salisbury Centre Studio
Suggested donation £6-£10
NOTE: STARTING DATE: Monday 13th January (2:30 - 16:00)

This class provides a relaxed welcoming setting to nurture inner peace and harmony, through a balance of chanting mantras & harmonic songs, silent meditation and mindfulness movement.

When we gather to sing/chant together, we give a rest to our minds (MANTRA literally means "freeing the mind") enabling our body essence to relax, de-stress, recharge and feel part of a deeper peaceful resonance with ourselves and with others.

After some warm-ups we will be sharing Sanskrit mantra for healing as well as simple 2 or 3 parts harmony songs from a variety of traditions (context and meaning of each song will be given to honour its roots and avoid cultural appropriation)

May you wish to share your favourite mantra, chant or a new song at a session, please get in touch beforehand writing to francescobenvenuti.ed@gmail.com..

This sessions are designed to be a weekly community space to sing, play music and share a relaxing hearth opening time together.

No previous singing experience required, just a desire and willingness to explore your voice, body and mind, by opening and experiencing an hearth-filled intentional space


The class will be divided in two parts:

1) 14.30- 15:00 - Landing Qi-gong & body/voice warm up

In the first part we will do a short body meditation to arrive and ground fully in the space, connect to the breath, and practice some simple Qi Gong body warms up & voice opening excercises. Qi Gong is an ancient health-promoting practice which uses breath, mindful movements and focussed awareness to open the energy challenges inthe body

2) 15.00-16.00 - Harmonic group chanting (Manta & World Kirtan songs)

The second part of the session will involve group mantra chanting.
Live instruments will include guitar, shakers and/or indian harmonium.
(If you play an instrument feel free to bring it along as you might be able to join in the playing).

Inspired by the kirtan tradition, many of the songs will be call & response songs where there is no need to worry about learning specific lyrics.. you can simply stop your mind and simply sing..


Financial Exchange:

Suggested donation to cover basic room rental and session preparation time is on a sliding scale £6-10 ( this cover my expenses and motivates me to keep a regular session going to the benefits of all... however if this is really a problem and you can't afford it get in touch )


About the facilitator:

Sessions will be facilitated by Francesco Benvenuti, a passionate Shiatsu Massage Practitioner, Movement Instructor, Singing voice facilitator, Ceremonial space holder and a Carrier of the Sacred Fire. He composes his own songs which he loves sharing in a variety of ceremonial settings and festival.

(see more about Francesco's work here : www.resonancetherapies.life )

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Mindful Somatic Movement meditation
to Dec 16

Mindful Somatic Movement meditation

This class provides a quiet and setting to bring peace and harmony through a balance of stillness and movement. By combining meditation, mindful movements, conscious breathing and some Qi Gong exercises, this class offers an opportunity to relax the mind, free the energy flow within the body and to harmonize the spirit. It is accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels, and is indicated to those who wish to explore a different form of meditation where the body is welcome to dynamically express itself in a mindful meditative way.

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Zen Shiatsu Massage for beginners - workshop
1:30 PM13:30

Zen Shiatsu Massage for beginners - workshop

A practical afternoon workshop to dive into the wonderful world of Shiatsu Massage for Relaxation and Healing. Shiatsu is a Japanese therapy in which manual (hand) pressure is applied to certain points on the body to work on the body energy (qi/meridians). We will learn pressure techniques, stretches, holding, joint mobilizations and rocking, as to affect the physical and emotional well-being. Unlike western massage, and similarly to Acupuncture, Shiatsu also works with the body's Qi (Chi) - energy.

In this workshop, we will learn the basic principles of Shiatsu and understand how Shiatsu works by both feeling (receiving) and doing (giving). We will work individually, as well as in pairs on floor mats, learning some shiatsu for Self-relaxation as well as short-routines to share with your friend and family.

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 Qi-Gong & Free-Flow-Movement (Weekly Class)
7:30 PM19:30

Qi-Gong & Free-Flow-Movement (Weekly Class)

(THIS IS A WEEKLY CLASS STARTING Tuesday 10th September)

By combing the learning of Qi-Gong exercises, principles and practices together with individual explorations of free-body movement & dance (and aided by AMAZING, sometime Live, Music), this class offers an opportunity to cultivate the life force energy within our body, release stress & tension as well as harmonize the body, mind and spirit.

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 Qi-Gong & Free-Flow-Movement (Weekly Class)
7:30 PM19:30

Qi-Gong & Free-Flow-Movement (Weekly Class)

(THIS IS A WEEKLY CLASS STARTING Tuesday 10th September)

By combing the learning of Qi-Gong exercises, principles and practices together with individual explorations of free-body movement & dance (and aided by AMAZING, sometime Live, Music), this class offers an opportunity to cultivate the life force energy within our body, release stress & tension as well as harmonize the body, mind and spirit.

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Earthkeeping Mystery School - Scotland
to Aug 31

Earthkeeping Mystery School - Scotland

***** This is not Resonance Therapies event*** But I am advertising as been asked to publicize.

Earthkeepers and wisdom keepers are coming together to share teachings, magic and joy in the centre point of Scotland which hosts many of the most sacred sites in this special land. We have a cottage booked for the week of 24th to 31st August and Cosmic Granny Debra Delglyn, Victoria Sinclair and Firetree plus local wisdom keepers will be on hand to weave cosmovisions and teachings. These will link from earth keeping 101, Q'ero wisdom, Celtic Shamanism, indigenous science, quantum and ancestral clearings and upgrades, esoteric and shamanic practice and hub set up alongside some cameo appearances from some of our favourite teachers from the natural realms!

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Sekhem Seichim Reiki Initiations – Level 1 and 2 Combined
to Aug 21

Sekhem Seichim Reiki Initiations – Level 1 and 2 Combined

  • Edinburgh, location will be communicated to enrolled participants (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

For anybody interested in energy work, as well as for any healing practitioner looking to develop further and gain new skills/perspective on healing modalities, this is an excellent opportunity!!

Sekhem is a powerful healing lineage with connections to Ancient Egypt temples and Sekhmet and is combined with the softer Reiki, and Seichim lineages in this initiation, meaning you receive attunement to 3 different forms.
This initiation marks a big stepping up from introductory energy work and stabilises one's field and practice greatly. Many regard Sekhem as the ‘healer’s healing’ – it requires a commitment to integrity and stepping up. This work is suitable and appropriate only for people who can commit to an authentic spiritual path and practice of deep integrity and profound inner work.

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WORLD Kirtan Concert / RAVI & Francesco @ Osho Miasto retreat centre (ITALY)
7:00 PM19:00

WORLD Kirtan Concert / RAVI & Francesco @ Osho Miasto retreat centre (ITALY)

World Kirtan with RAVI - international multi-instrumentalist accompanied by Francesco on Harmoniu & Vocals.

Join us for an intimate World Music Kirtan concert and candle-lit Evening in Italy @ Osho MIASTO (https://www.oshomiasto.it/en/) the biggest Osho center in Italy. The evening will present World chants, Original songs from Ravi and a variety of different voice work and sound journeys to chant together as a group, and center into the heart.

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Kirtan-inspired Chanting - Mantra & Songs for inner Balance
7:00 PM19:00

Kirtan-inspired Chanting - Mantra & Songs for inner Balance

You are warmly invited to an heart opening evening of sacred chants, music, harmonies, songs from Celtic lands and mantras.

Aided by instruments like Indian Harmonium, Irish Fiddle/violin, Guitar, drums, cymbals, and didjeridoo we will co-create a gentle and safe space to enable our voices to express freely, giving an opportunity to our heart to open and join together into a single melody.

Some of the practices that we will share over the course of the evening will include:
- Gentle voice warm up/opening exercises
- Group Chakra toning
- Body movements/dance
- We will conclude the evening with a relaxing Ceremonial sound journey for relaxation (including live music with Tibetan Singing bowls, south-african Kora/Harp, live Grand piano, Violin and Chimes)
**** We will also work with the sacred medicine of "CACAO" , from Guatemala, as a way to keep us centered and open in our hearth ****

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Weekend Singing Workshop - 6th & 7th July / Bridgend Community Farmhouse
to Jul 7

Weekend Singing Workshop - 6th & 7th July / Bridgend Community Farmhouse

A 2 days singing workshop for anyone who would like to delve into sound, songs and connection through singing and feasting traditions which venerate and celebrate community and land.

Beside learning songs, this will also be a chance to explore the deep sound resonance and harmonies of Georgian singing as well as honoring and celebrating our local Scottish cultural heritage. We will learn voice warm up exercises, 3-part harmony Georgian songs, Gaelic and English songs.

No Previous Singing Experience required

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Solstice Sacred Fire Ceremony
9:00 PM21:00

Solstice Sacred Fire Ceremony

We will gather and focus the energy of this Solstice day into a Sacred Fire, welcoming the spirit of the Grandfather fire and the ancestors. A short ritual will enable all members of the community present to place their intention and energy into the lighting of the fire.

The Ceremony will be held within a Safe Sacred Space and participants will have the possibility of sharing their reflections, prayers, writings, songs to the fire, in front of the whole listening community.

The latter part of the ceremony will be opened up for sharing of songs, poetry, storytelling into a more informal context.

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World Kirtan with RAVI , Francesco & Katie Oswell
7:00 PM19:00

World Kirtan with RAVI , Francesco & Katie Oswell

World Kirtan with RAVI - international multi-instrumentalist and singer joined by vocal sensation Katie Oswell
Kirtan is a dynamic chanting of sacred world music that incorporates the voices of the audience right into the performance. Kirtan is a spiritual journey, a form of bhakti yoga — the yoga of devotion. No previous experience is necessary. You can sing, dance, clap your hands and simply have a great time. Let the experience transport you to a world of inspiration, peace and joy, far beyond the stress and worries of life.

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Mantra Chanting & MANTRA Movie screening (Scotland)
2:30 PM14:30

Mantra Chanting & MANTRA Movie screening (Scotland)

Join us for an evening Kirtan, chanting Mantras at the Hippodrome Cinema in Bonness. the Kirtan will follow the screening of the Scottish PRemier of the Mantra movie “Sounds into Silence”

Mantra: Sounds into Silence is a new award-winning feature-length documentary about music, meditation and the amazing phenomenon of spiritual chanting. It focuses on the everyday people who find healing and a sense of inner peace by singing mantras together with others. The film includes performances and interviews with a range of inspiring musicians discussing how music and chanting has transformed their lives. The Hippodrome screening will be followed by live music and a chance to participate in communal mantras.

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Lotus Awakenings Festival - Tepoztlan, Mexico
to Dec 31

Lotus Awakenings Festival - Tepoztlan, Mexico

  • Google Calendar ICS

A fusion festival bringing together native, international and local healers, visionaries and change makers to honour the times and the place we are in. In full honouring of the ancestors we are creating a microcosm for exploring our awakening, from planetary trauma to expression of sovereignty and higher purpose. Ancient wisdom will be met with cosmic consciousness, masculine and feminine, older and younger.
Individual cost $600 for Tepotzlan locals, $999 Mexicans, $1300 Internationals (pesos)

This festival is very special as it marks a coming together of disciplines and lineages. Female healing practitioners will be accompanied by male counterparts and vice versa. Ancient and galactic codes will be interwoven – traditional and novel will come together and a cross-cultural mosaic of wonder will be created through a deep constellations honouring consciousness awakening, spiritual sovereignty and unified field.

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WeekEND Conscious Dance (with Live Music!!!)
7:30 PM19:30

WeekEND Conscious Dance (with Live Music!!!)

  • The German Speaking Congregation (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS

Conscious dance is a non-competitive, body-based way of freeing your body.There’s no wrong way to move and your shape and measurements don’t matter. PURE FREEDOM. 

We will combine some initial guidance, Qi-Gong principles, Live Sounds, with freestyle elements that will help you clear your minds, get into your bodies and release anything that no longer serves you..

A warm, candle-lit, safe and held space to dance freely, let go of judgement, re-energize,No talking, no distractions, just the music and us/you.

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The Sacred AUM (Om) - Healing Chanting Ritual
1:45 PM13:45

The Sacred AUM (Om) - Healing Chanting Ritual

Explore the raw power of chanting the sacred mantra AUM in an unique ceremony held by experienced sound and energy healers and space holders. Aided by vibration rich ceremonial instruments we will chant the Sacred AUM (Ohm) as a group for 2-3 hours, letting vibration and resonance permeate through our Ego self to touch, transform and heal, allowing the True Self to shine forth

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Seed of Life: Sacred Cacao & Sound Ceremony
3:00 PM15:00

Seed of Life: Sacred Cacao & Sound Ceremony

Join Francesco and Louise (www.nadurra.co.uk) for this special Raw Cacao Ceremony with Sound Journey and sound healing. We will work with the beautiful alchemy and resonance of Sacred Cacao & Sound Healing to allow us to drop in, break out of our shells and emerge into the fullness of our being. We will work with Chakra Toning, Meditation, Movement and Sound Journey to create a safely guided space for you to explore the potential of your own life force.

We each hold the seeds of creation inside of us, waiting patiently to emerge from the cocoon of our bodies and awakened by the sacred fires that we hold within.  This ceremony we take a journey to break out of the shells we have created over Winter and emerge as new, inspired, energised and ready to celebrate the beginning of Spring, sprouting the seeds of all that we want to manifest for ourselves in this coming year.

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Kirtan Mantra Chanting - Evening in Edinburgh
6:30 PM18:30

Kirtan Mantra Chanting - Evening in Edinburgh

KIRTAN is a call and response chanting practice, one of the most ancient sacred music tradition in the world, originated in the East.
By singing ancient Sanskrit mantras, or other devotional songs, Kirtan is a practice aimed at connecting to each other through the vibration of our voice, and to connect with our higher Self, by quieting the mind, and entering together in a meditative place of inner quiet and stillness.  We use accompaniment instruments such as the harmonium or Shruti box.

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Tai Chi -QiGong Classes - Tuesdays - 18:10-19:10
to Apr 24

Tai Chi -QiGong Classes - Tuesdays - 18:10-19:10

Weekly Qi-Gong classes to promote health and well-being.

Qigong is a system of self-healing from China to achieve health and longevity. Qigong is easy to learn, less strenuous than yoga or Pilates, and is accessible to people of all ages and fitness levels.   In these classes, you will learn exercises that combine three elements: abdominal breathing, slow movement, and visualization – to harmonize the body, mind and spirit.

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Embodying Presence weekend retreat
to Sep 17

Embodying Presence weekend retreat

Using movement and dance meditation, deep nature contemplation, sensory awareness meditation, sound journey and vocal release work, we will have 2 days to explore and deeply connect with our spiritual selves, working from the foundations of our physical body and the natural world around us

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Georgian Singing Workshop -Vibration Harmonance
4:30 PM16:30

Georgian Singing Workshop -Vibration Harmonance

Explore the sound and magic resonance of your voice while learning 3-part harmony Georgian songs.  Georgian Polyphony depends on listening and responding therefore a lot of our workshop will be exploring and developing our receptivity, which will enable us to sing together in a more expansive way. Expect movement, humming, stretching, sounding, singing and other unusual exercises in pairs and groups to explore body vibration and to explore the meeting of different voices in harmony and disharmony.  Join us to delve into your resonant body chambers through Georgian song!

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Radian heart, Resonant heart:a meditative sound journey workshop
to Feb 24

Radian heart, Resonant heart:a meditative sound journey workshop

  • Google Calendar ICS

In this workshop we will be using a meditation pranic-breathing practice and voice-toning to help us raise our vital, or pranic energy, up into our heart chakra. 
To help you in this process we will also guide you with a visualisation meditation. This recuperative healing journey is a beautiful and gentle way to remind you how simple it is to love yourself. 

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