Healing the Body-Singing the Soul. A day of shared & self-love through supportive touch, sound & chanting.
Aligning with the idea that we need to fill up our cup first before being able to be present with others, this day workshop will focus on nourishing our physical and emotional bodies first, then moving onto connecting with those around us.
Part I - Nourishing the Self To start with we will treat our bodies to trauma informed Forrest yoga with Jane, dropping into the body, inviting softness and deeper body awareness, aided by a beautiful harmonic sound journey to go deeper into relaxation. The yoga practice will be suitable for complete beginners, people working with injuries, and those with a regular practice.
Part II - Sharing in fullness We will continue by balancing our bodies internally with partner bodywork and voice opening exercises. There will be an opportunity to learn some bodywork techniques, receive as well as share supportive touch.
Part III - Singing the Soul We will conclude the day with revitalizing our souls by connecting and sharing the group energy through shared chanting, harmony and songs facilitated by Katie & Francesco ( "The Inner Chéile" ) ---------------------------------- Financial exchange for the whole day is on a sliding scale:£40/£45/£50 (Approx the price of a 1hr massage!)