Practitioner training
Certification of Embodiment Coaching - Embodiment Unlimited Academy
Functional Anatomy training for Therapist - The Anatomy School
3 Year - Shiatsu Practitioner Training Diploma - (East West Scotland Shiatsu School)
Shibashi Taiji Qigong Instructor training - (San Bao Martial Arts School)
1 Year - Professional Thai Massage Diploma - (The School of Massage for Health, Thailand)
Seated Shiatsu Practitioner training (Edinburgh School of Shiatsu)
COSCA certificate in Counselling skills - Module 1 (Edinburgh College)
Energy Healing Practitioner training - (The Edinburgh Shamanic Centre)
Diploma in Physical Theatre Practice - Arts and Body Performance - (Fife College)
Shiatsu with Trauma clients (ESC 2017, Peter Itin)
Integration of Fascia work in Shiatsu (ESC, 2017, Gabriella Poli)
Shiatsu Seiki, Resonance therapy (ESC 2017, Alice Wihieldon)
Post Masunaga shiatsu evolution, Expansion/Contraction and meridians Holotrophic structures (ESC 2017, Cliff Andrews)
Motor Neuron Disease Awareness Training - (Motor Neuron Disease Scotland 2017)
Shiatsu for MIGRAINES. Meridians and child development (International Shiatsu Congress, 2016)
Shiatsu for Cancer patients , Alzheimer and Autism spectrum disorder (International Shiatsu Congress, 2016)
MRSS Practitioner Membership - The Shiatsu Society
Oak Ash & Thorn Holistic Hub (OATH Roslin) - Co-founder & holistic practitioner
The Salisbury Centre- Community Manager (as part of the Community Empowerment Programme)
The Inner Cheile Harmonic Duo - Singing, Chanting & Ceremonial sound healing offerings across the UK
The Healthy Life Centre (Edinburgh)- I have been working as a Shiatsu Practitioner here for 5 years now
The Awakening Heart retreat centre - I support the running of spiritual retreats by offering support and cooking for the participants as well as offering bodywork therapies on demand.
Motor Neuron Disease (MND) Scotland - I work as a Complementary Therapist to provide therapy sessions to people with Motor Neurone Disease (MND) and their carers.
Community Foundation for Planetary Healing, Edinburgh - A community project in Edinburgh which holds a low income clinic where I offer therapy sessions for donations
Autumn Oak Education - As founder of this Educational charity I run class-tailored themed Qi-Gong classes in primary schools to children P2-P6
Ongoing training
6 months Certification of Embodiment Coaching - Embodied Facilitation course
Breathwork for individuals and group / training -
Earthkeeping 1 Year mentoring programme -
5 Rhythms Medicine dance - Teacher training
Sound and Vibration Therapy
Shiatsu Post-Grad trainings
Herbal & Plant Medicine