(I am not the main organizer of this 3 days retreat but I will be helping to run sound journeys and sound healing on this beautiful retreat!)
In order to be fully engaged and awake to life we must first radically accept the fact that we are spiritual beings living in physical bodies. Allowing ourselves to fully arrive in this physical body, on this earth, we choose to wake to the vibrancy of the ever-present now and tap into our Natural Way of Being, one of peace, vitality and joy.
Using movement and dance meditation, deep nature contemplation, sensory awareness meditation, sound journey and vocal release work, we will have 2 days to explore and deeply connect with our spiritual selves, working from the foundations of our physical body and the natural world around us. By grounding and re-invigorating these foundations we can truly engage withour spiritual growth and our awakening consciousness.
With the beautiful location of the Big Shed as our inspiration we will use meditation in nature to connect with the natural world around us. Meditative nature connection helps us to naturally and easily turn our attention inwards, tuning the nervous system towards inner peace and stillness.
We will use dance and movement meditation, body and sense-awareness meditation and self-enquiry practice to help us truly arrive in this body and to take ownership of it. This is how we embody ourselves; how we drop out of the ego-mind and arrive more fully into the heart and into our innate joy.
We will share a sacred sound journey which will include deeply healing and emotional release voice work.
We have the opportunity to camp in order to experience the positive and grounding effects of sleeping on the earth.
Together, as a community, we will prepare and eat vibrant and fresh vegetarian food. There will be further opportunity (weather permitting!) to connect with each other round a camp fire.
Investment: £150, Concession/Early bird £120
IN order to make the retreat more accessible to parents, children will be allowed to come along. Please contact me if you want to do this. Claire's 6 year old daughetr will be attending.
Claire Swetha is the co-founder of Greenside Retreat Centre in Fife. She is an experienced facilitator of transpersonal, shamanic-healing retreats which incorporate movement and dance meditation and spiritual self-enquiry. She has a deep spiritual connection with the natural world which has facilitated a lifetime of personal growth. Claire is an experienced Energy Healer and Medical Herbalist and is a dedicated practitioner of the Ishaya’s Ascension Meditation practice.
Francesco Benvenuti is an gifted energy worker, experienced in working with both TCM bodywork (Shiatsu), and shamanic healing - he is a regular assistant on healing retreats at Greenside Retreat. Trained in both Chi Gong and 5 rhythms dance practise he is also passionate about the use of movement and dance as a spiritual practice. He is also a gifted musician.
Katie Oswell is a gifted classical soprano and electronic musician. She is passionate about bringing together her unique musical talents with her healing intuition - helping others to discover the magical healing power of the voice.
for more details... claireswetha@yahoo.co.uk