Posting this as it is part of an event I am going to be participating in.. for more information please contact the Nadurra website in the following description……
Something magical is brewing....earthkeepers and wisdom keepers are coming together to share teachings, magic and joy in the centre point of Scotland which hosts many of the most sacred sites in this special land. We have a cottage booked for the week of 24th to 31st August and Cosmic Granny Debra Delglyn, Victoria Sinclair and Firetree plus local wisdom keepers will be on hand to weave cosmovisions and teachings. These will link from earth keeping 101, Q'ero wisdom, Celtic Shamanism, indigenous science, quantum and ancestral clearings and upgrades, esoteric and shamanic practice and hub set up alongside some cameo appearances from some of our favourite teachers from the natural realms!
Glen Lyon is traditionally known as the “valley of Sun God,” after Lugh, the Celtic Sun God. As you arrive along the winding roads from Aberfeldy, there is a distinct change in the air, as if stepping into the “otherworld.” There is much magick and mystery that awaits us… Deep inside the Glen, there is a shrine known as the house of the Cailleach, or the Tigh Nam Bodach. This small stone structure, located high up the mountains at the head of Glen Lyon, is probably the only surviving shrine to the Celtic Mother Creator Goddess, the Cailleach.
Schiehallion: Mountain of Zion
The Glen runs parallel to Schiehallion, the fairy hill of the Caledonians.’ It has a unique place in scientific history for an 18th-century experiment in "weighing the world". This munro contains a significant amount of quartzite, is a conical shape and has also been called the “mountain of zion.”
In Egypt, the conical hill was identified as a “primordial hill”, on which the solar deity masturbated, to create the world. In Celtic countries, a very similar event occurs, though it is more correct to say that the solar deity Lugh had impregnated the Cailleach, hence the conical shaped hill expressing her pregnancy. Source: Eye of the Psychic
According to an esoteric tradition there was a primary trinity of holy mountains, i. e. Mount Moriah in Palestine, Mount Sinai in Egypt, and a mysterious Mount Heredom. The latter is not to be found on any map. Could it be that Mount Heredom was also “Mount Zion in the far north” as recorded in the Davidic Psalm? Moreover, in her work entitled Celt Druid and Culdee, first published in 1938, Isabel Hill Elder refers to the gigantic monoliths placed in circles and piles of stones called si’uns or cairns. She points out: “The similarity of si’un with the Hebrew word ‘Zion’ (fortress), the Mount of Stone (as the name Zion in Celtic means) is striking.” Source: Sacred Connections
In The History of the Celtic Place-names of Scotland (1926) Professor William J. Watson, a gaelic scholar, remarks: “.. our Annats are numerous.. They are often in places that are now, and must always have been, rather remote and out of the way. It is very rarely indeed that an Annat can be associated with any particular saint, nor have I met any traditions connected with them. But wherever there is an Annat there are traces of an ancient chapel or cemetery, or both; very often, too, the Annat adjoins a fine well or clear stream.” Professor Watson goes on to list a number of Annat sites in Scotland and remarks: “On the north side of Loch Tay, opposite Ardeonaig, is Baile na h-Annaid.. Another Baile na h-Annaide is in Glen Lyon, below Bridge of Balgie; here too there is an ancient burial-place. Source: Sacred Connections
The Sacred Sites
Glen lyon is teaming with sacred sites, yew trees, stones, portals and so much more. We have tuned in for this particular gathering and aligned with the schedule to take you to some of the main sites that are accessible at this time of year. The spirits of the land may draw us to more sites once we get there… under Schiehallion, the mountain of Zion and the fairies anything can happen!
The Fortingall Yew
Located at the heart of Scotland, Fortingall, which translates from the gaelic placename ‘Feart-nan-Gall’ is known a as the ‘Stronghold of the Strangers’. This ancient Yew is said to be over 5,000 years old and has been a central point for Druids and rituals long before the church walls were built.
Fortingall stone circles
These mysteriously and strategically placed stones are part of the many standing stones and stone circles around the Glen. However, these are particularly key as they are close to the Fortingall yew at the bottom of the Glen, marking the points of key ley lines. It is certainly a key portal site and an often overlooked landmark in the area, which can often indicate where the real magick lies.
The Praying Hands
The Praying Hands “pray” towards the conical Creag nan Eildeag. Like all conical hills, they are the symbol of the “primordial hill”, the first hill created on Earth – the navel of the Earth, its shape mimicking the shape of the belly of a pregnant woman.
“The Praying Hands of Mary” was the christianised name given for what locals refer to as “split rock.” They are on a ley line from the volcanic island of Staffa, through the Cailleach and Bodach House, on to Fortingall stone circle and then further to Croftmoraig stone circle.
Our Cosmic Cottage HQ
Easter Camusvrachan is less than 2 hour's drive from Edinburgh and Glasgow and just over an hour west of Perth.
Set in 5 acres of beautiful garden and woodland and surrounded by spectacular scenery, this traditional holiday cottage is an idyllic and romantic spot with its own bubbling burn, a small lochan and access to the hills behind.
With the River Lyon nearby, this is the ideal place to escape to peace and tranquility as well as being able to enjoy wonderful walks, climb Munros and if you are lucky, catch sight of the resident woodpecker and his friends the red squirrels.
Your Facilitators
Cosmic Grandmother
Debra is a global traveler whose mission is to bring people into deeper harmony with themselves and their community so that together we learn to harmonise and care for our beautiful Pachamama Earth. She is a healer, facilitator and celebrant whose teachings empower us to step into sovereignty by awakening our inherent human skills as energy beings. Trained in multiple healing modalities, initiated in the ancient Inka tradition and inspired by the wisdom of the Great Council of the Grandmothers, she brings her unique energy and understanding into every encounter. She is touring Britain in summer 2019 before returning to South Africa to continue her work of renewal and empowerment there.
Holistic Practitioner & Earthkeeper
Victoria is a healing facilitator from N.Ireland (curandera) with 20 years of experience working with numerous modalities. She is a transpersonal (eco)psychologist, trauma and postcolonial specialist and plant medicine practitioner and has been journeying and working extensively in Central and South America and Australia since 2006. She is a Culture Bridge for several tribes in Australia and South America, permitted to represent and relay messages for wisdom keepers in order to assist collective healing and awakening. Vicky is currently co-creating new healing blueprint models for trauma and consciousness awakening such as the Wounded Healer series which has been running in Manchester and Ibiza. In 2018 she launched the Lotus Programme which is a platform and courses for enabling people to transform beyond trauma and dependencies to realize their fullest potential
Celtic Medicine Woman
Firetree is a highly intuitive and dedicated Celtic medicine woman & Earth keeper who works predominantly with plants and energy healing to promote wholeness. Fully qualified as a Shamanic Practitioner, Bodyworker and Forrest Yoga Teacher as well as receiving many initiations through plant medicine ceremonies, dietas and various lineages.
She has met with Elders in Peru, Brazil, Guatemala and Mexico, blending her training through Central & South American Medicine with continued exploration of her deep roots in Celtic Traditions. This particular path connects spirits, ancestors, plant medicines and lands together in order to facilitate an accelerated approach to healing and ceremonial work. In this time of rapid change and the impact on the earth as well as its inhabitants, a new approach is needed that is infused with the great wisdom of these ancient traditions.
What is the schedule?
We like to honour natural law and natural time and the dates for the activities fit nicely with the Galactic Mayan Calendar. When we are congregating it happens to be the Yellow Sun Wavespell – a 13 day period where the theme indeed is on co-creation, enlightenment, unconditional love and stepping up.
Saturday 24th–Blue Self-Existing Night - GAP portal day
Energy of the Night is great for dreaming and inituiton and indeed abundance – the night also can represent a good time to enter into the collective consciousness. GAP portal days bring us more easily across space and time into an awareness of the non-linear aspect of things
Get in (provisional) for the cottage is 4pm. We’ll come in and ‘land’ and have an opening session, dinner and fire. Granny Debra will introduce us to some key principles and we will shift ourselves into understanding the world as a living Being of energy as we awaken and refine our capacities to move and transform energy. We’ll learn a little about Hucha eating (transmuting heavy energies via the earth) and we will also open space and share intentions and a little bit of ‘dreamtime’ magic.
Sunday 25th: Yellow Overtone Seed
The Seed is very much about sowing new seeds and activating a new way of being to bring flowering of great things. And in honouring of all that grows and to bring us into a deep alignment with the natural realm we will begin the day with a Mugwort Initiation; Mugwort connects us directly with our roots in the land to awaken our ancestral lineages and align us with our destiny.
This is a great day to make offerings and our main site visit day. In earthkeeping it is integral to give back – so, on this day of seeding, alongside the Q’ero teachings we receive we will also be giving land offerings. Granny Debra will teach us about the Inka seed and we will nurture our potential with the energies of each of the sacred sites we visit. We will share the basic principles of Earthkeeping 101 as we visit: Fortingall Yew and Stones
Monday – 26th Red Rhythmic Serpent
The serpent energy is very much about sacred life force. In many medicine wheels the archetype of the Serpent is the root or foundation. It is important in earthkeeping to establish a solid, grounded practice, rooting deeply into the ground of our being in order to grow the potential of transcendence.
Today will be a weaving of Serpent Teachings and Celtic Shamanism – we will look at the masculine and feminine, the root, the kundalini and the Ancient Mystery School lineages that connect the Serpents and Dragons across gridlines along the planet. Firetree will focus on Celtic shamanism – most particularly from Ireland and Scotland and Victoria will be bringing through teachings from her pilgrimages both in the Celtic lands and internationally with the Serpent teachings, High Priestess work and research over the last 20 years. If the energies permit there will be a channelled initiation later in the day by Victoria.
Site Visit: to be confirmed as the guides depict
Tuesday – 27th White Resonant Worldbridger
The Worldbridger day invites us to let go and release all that no longer serves. Now that we have had a deep introduction to foundational elements of earthkeeping and mystery school principles we will come together as a collective to focus on those patterns that hold us in restriction and limitation. As always the principle of ‘As Above So Below’ applies so as we identify these imprints in our own natures we will embody various earthkeeping and multidimensional practices to clear them both in ourselves and in the Land. The role of the collective here is key since we each individually hold a particular perspective of conditioning: by working together our capacity is huge and the depth and reach of the clearing is massively potentiated. Thematics likely to come up are:
Releasing from the shackles of colonisation and organised dogma
Lack/poverty consciousness
Embedded sorrow and trauma from massacres and forced displacement of peoples
Dismissal of the elemental
Lack of joy
Site visit: Praying Hands
Wednesday 28th - Blue Galactic Hand
The Blue Hand is greatly about healing, knowing and accomplishment – it also connects to creativity and hands on work. On this day we will have a Magical Mystery Tour and will be led by our Earthkeeping teachers AND some very special guests who connect us to the ethereal realms. It is believed that our special teachers in many ways hold the codes to the re-membering of our lineages and as the guide in the constellation of the day is the ‘Monkey’ there is also a deep resonance to working with joy and the inner child. Today we leave behind the bounds of time and step into our timeless selves to BE the CHANGE! We’ll be weaving ceremony with play, with music, with celebration and any further clearing that may be called on to lighten our vessels. As we commit to emancipation and joy and celebration of life – and commit to greater planetary service – the land loves to see us OPT IN!
Everyone will have a role in this ceremony – we all have a place in our ecosystem and tribe – you’ll all be called upon to participate, help…creativity and dedication welcome!
This will take place in nature – the site will be determined when the etheric residents tell us where….
Thursday 29th - Yellow Solar Star
Key words for the Star energy are ‘beauty, elegance, flow’ so today we allow ourselves to go with the flow as we integrate the realisations of the last 5 days. On this Pamper day it is important to embody elegant flow in our lives and honour the power of the Yin. This is a day of skills swapping, pampering, healings and creative ideas sharing for future projects: this can include breathwork,energy medicine, bodywork, movement and awareness practices. As we give ourselves space to receive we invite the Cosmos to fill us with inspiration, joy and hope for the future.
Friday 30th - Red Planetary Moon
This is a debrief day for Lotus Project team and not open to the larger group. You may however stay on in the area and are super welcome to join us for a cup of tea that day and meander further south for the weekend!
Saturday 31st August and 1st September - Wisdom Gathering, Fife
THEN from Saturday evening through all day Sunday we are hosting magical activities at Firetree’s residence in Fife in the yurt and outdoors space. Earthship activation, working with the plants, Celtic Earthkeeping, tribal council, kambo ceremony and other themes are all offered to support the local group who tend the sites and hold space in the north.
More details to follow, booking will be separate for these events
Check out Air BnB or campsites for local accommodation
Energy Exchange:
**All prices include board, without accommodation is less per the cottage rate per day - 28 - 38 depending on amount of days
Saturday 24th: £70 includes food, board, fire ceremony, welcome from elders, intention sharing, the mythology of the land, Hucha eating workshop
Per day and night £120 includes food, board, tuition, healing support and workshops
Magical Mystery Tour £144. Includes, food, board, tuition, healing support, workshops and special materials
Pamper day £58. No ‘official’ teaching or healing support this day – it’s a community interaction therefore the costs are kept low to support everyone being able to participate
**Locals please contact Firetree about special deals and rates
How to Book:
A non-refundable deposit is required to book your space (Paypal)
With Accommodation: £150
Without Accommodation: £100§
Deposits payable before 13 July, full payment by 13 August
Paypal = or Natwest 010657 46109854 Ethical Solutions.
We are limited to 7 participants boarding and 15 in total, so booking early is highly recommended
Those of you who can stay the longest will be in the cottage. The shorter stays need to decide quickly what you want to do so we can arrange. Accommodation is roughly £28 per night….With the list of those of you who expressed interest the cottage is nearly full and we are capping the amount of participants at 15. Therefore we ask for a deposit of £150 to secure your place in the cottage as soon as possible to Victoria - Paypal = or Natwest 010657 46109854 Ethical Solutions. Short term stays deposit of £100 - all payable by
Additional Accommodation Options
The Salmon House, Fortingall: Sleeps 4. One double room and once twin room.
Distance from HQ: 20min drive from Earthkeeping Cottage. Only one left so book ASAP!
Milton Cottage, Bridge of Balgie. Sleeps 3, possibly 4. One double room and 1 sofa bed.
Distance from HQ: 7min drive from Earthkeeping Cottage. Book via Air BnB before it goes!
Possible camping available at Milton Cottage, please enquire with Firetree.
Searching for somewhere else to stay?
Search for Camusvrachan, Aberfeldy, UK, we suggest to go no further than 30min distance as the roads are very windy and narrow along the Glen, so you need to go steady and pay attention! There are some stunning locations around Loch Tay.