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Soul Song- A Sound Journey workshop to welcome winter within

Soul Song - A Sound Journey to welcome Winter stillness deep within

In the silence of winter we go deep within to hear the beauty of our soul's song.

It can be hard to lose our sense of perspective at this time of year, with rapidly diminishing daylight and with the madness of the run up to Christmas. Yet it is important to remember that early winter is the perfect time to go deep into the silence and void, deep into the dark earth of our bodies in order to sow the seeds of our souls' heartfelt desires.

In this sound journey we will use visualisation meditation, vibrational toning and magical sound to journey into the core of ourselves
- to discover the beauty of our soul's song - 
- to get a glimpse of our soul's purpose -
- to gather the strength and the light to carry us on through the dark months.-

Let the healing properties of sound and vibration take us on a peaceful sound journey Including but not limited to: 
a Grand Piano, Crystal bowls, Tibetan singing bowls, Siberian mouth harps, Tibet bell, Overtone singing, Hokema thumb pianos, Shruti box, Koshi Chimes, South American flutes, Aboriginal rainsticks, rattles and much more.